
Five bartenders behind St. Charles Hotel bar, Toronto, Canada. Circa 1911
Five bartenders behind St. Charles Hotel bar, Toronto, Canada. Circa 1911
  • One small glass of cider
  • Half bottle of soda water
  • One glass of sherry
  • One pony glass of brandy
  • One piece of lemon peel
  • Sugar and nutmeg
  • Use large bar glass

This is a somewhat singular name conferred upon a refreshing and pleasant beverage not generally known.

Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual: A Complete and Practical Guide by Jesse Haney, 1869

Clicquot Club

A glass bottle of Clicquot Club Ginger Ale, the product for which the company was best known for.
A glass bottle of Clicquot Club Ginger Ale, the product for which the company was best known for.
  • Slice an unpeeled cucumber into a
  • Quart of good cider
  • Cover the pitcher and
  • Stand in a cool place for an hour
  • Strain and add to the cider a
  • Quart of ginger ale and
  • Serve at once
One Hundred & One Beverages by May E. Southworth, 1904

Barbed Wire

Two men string barbed wire on post to create a fence, circa 1936.
Two men string barbed wire on post to create a fence, circa 1936.
  • Put three lumps of ice in the bottom of a tall, slender glass, and
  • Pour over it a wine-glass of Old Crow bourbon
  • Fill up the glass with Martinelli sweet cider
One Hundred & One Beverages by May E. Southworth, 1904

Jersey Cocktail

  • One-half tablespoonful fine sugar
  • Two dashes Boker’s bitters
  • One piece lemon peel
  • Cider to fill glass

Put one lump of ice in thin cider-glass. Add one-half tablespoonful fine sugar, two dashes Boker’s bitters, one piece lemon peel. Fill up with cold cider. Stir well, and drink while effervescent.

The Gorham Cocktail Book, 1905