Hot Egg Nog

Christmas Belles, Winslow Homer, 1869
Christmas Belles, Winslow Homer, 1869
  • 1 tablespoonful of sugar
  • 1 fresh egg
  • 100% brandy
  • Fill glass with hot milk
  • Shake thoroughly with shaker
  • Strain
  • Grate nutmeg on top and serve
Jack’s Manual by J.A. Grohusko, 1910

Note from Lost Cocktails: 100% brandy = 1/2 whiskey glass

A Bowl Egg Nogg for the Bar

The Christmas tree, Homer, Winslow, 1836-1910 (artist)
The Christmas tree, Homer, Winslow, 1836-1910 (artist)
  • Use large punch bowl
  • One dozen eggs
  • One and one-half pounds of fine sugar, beaten together well
  • Two quarts of brandy
  • One-half quart of St. Croix rum
  • One and one-half gallons milk
  • Mix well
  • Grate nutmeg
  • Ornament top with colored sugars
  • Cool in tub of ice and serve
Mixology; The Art of Preparing All Kinds of Drinks “An All Right Book.” by Joseph L. Haywood, Mixologist, 1898

General Harrison Egg Nog

William Henry Harrison by Rembrandt Peale, circa 1813
William Henry Harrison by Rembrandt Peale, circa 1813
  • 1 fresh egg
  • 1 tablespoonful of sugar
  • 3 or 4 small lumps of ice
  • Fill the glass with cider
  • Shake well
  • Strain it into a large bar glass
  • Grate a little nutmeg on top and serve

The above drink is a very pleasant one, and is popular throughout the southern part of the country. (Use large bar glass.)

Scientific Bar-Keeping by Joseph W. Gibson, 1884