Magnolia (a la Simmons)

White magnolia blossom and seed pod, 1731
White magnolia blossom and seed pod, 1731
  • Beat up two new laid eggs
  • Add one liqueur glass of Curaçao
  • Half a wine glass of old brandy
  • One table-spoonful of sugar
  • Beat up well
  • Add a pint bottle of champagne
  • Mix by pouring from one glass to another until it attain a fleecy and soft appearance
  • Serve in a glass

This will be found a very nutritious drink, especially when the appetite is bad

American & Other Drinks by Leo Engel, 1878

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Queen Alexandra wearing the Kohinoor in her coronation crown. 9 August 1902
Queen Alexandra wearing the Kohinoor in her coronation crown. 9 August 1902
  • One the edge of a large tumbler, break a new laid egg, upon which
  • Pour a liqueur glass of Benedictine, and a
  • Table-spoonful of raspberry syrup,
  • Shake up well with a little ice; having done so,
  • Half fill with champagne;
  • Balance with soda water,
  • Stirring at the same time with a spoon
  • Strain through a fine sieve
  • Look heavenwards and drink;
  • “Result,” bliss
American & Other Drinks by Leo Engel, 1878

Gothic Punch

Gothic architectural ornament, 1831
Gothic architectural ornament, 1831

(For a party of ten.)

(From a recipe in the possession of Bayard Taylor, Esq.)

  • Four bottles still Catawba
  • One bottle claret
  • Three oranges, or one pineapple
  • Ten table-spoonfuls of sugar
  • Let this mixture stand in a very cold place, or in ice, for one hour or more, then
  • Add one bottle of champagne
How to Mix Drinks or The Bon-Vivant’s Companion by Jerry Thomas (Formerly principal Bar-tender at the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, and the Planter’s House, St. Louis), 1862