Soldier’s Camping Punch

Union Regimental Drum Corps from the American Civil war. Between 1861 and 1865
Union Regimental Drum Corps from the American Civil war. Between 1861 and 1865
  • Boil a large kettle of strong black coffee
  • Take a large dish and put four pounds of lump sugar over this
  • Then pour four bottles of brandy and
  • Two bottles Jamaica rum over the sugar, and
  • Set it on fire, and
  • Let the sugar dissolve and drop into the black coffee
  • Stir this well up, and you will have a good hot punch for a soldier on guard
Harry Johnson’s New and Improved Bartender’s Manual, 1882

Note from Lost Cocktails: Maybe this should stay in the anecdotal category. I can’t imagine fire and two bottles of Jamaica Rum are a good combination.


Five bartenders behind St. Charles Hotel bar, Toronto, Canada. Circa 1911
Five bartenders behind St. Charles Hotel bar, Toronto, Canada. Circa 1911
  • One small glass of cider
  • Half bottle of soda water
  • One glass of sherry
  • One pony glass of brandy
  • One piece of lemon peel
  • Sugar and nutmeg
  • Use large bar glass

This is a somewhat singular name conferred upon a refreshing and pleasant beverage not generally known.

Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual: A Complete and Practical Guide by Jesse Haney, 1869

Freemasons’ Cup

Poster art of a Masonic chart. 1846
Poster art of a Masonic chart. 1846
  • Pint of Scotch ale
  • Pint of mild beer
  • 1/2 pint of brandy
  • 1 pint of sherry
  • 1/2 lb. crushed sugar-candy
  • Grated nutmeg to taste

This can be used either as a hot or cold cup.

Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks by William Terrington, 1869

Metropolitan Cocktail

In flight view looking east, taken from a U.S. Navy flying boat passing over New York City skyscrapers, New York (USA) in 1919.
In flight view looking east, taken from a U.S. Navy flying boat passing over New York City skyscrapers, New York (USA) in 1919.
  • Two lumps of ice in a small wine-glass
  • Add three dashes gum-syrup
  • Two dashes Boker’s bitters
  • One pony brandy
  • One pony French vermouth
  • Mix
  • Take out the ice
  • Add a small piece twisted lemon peel
The Gorham Cocktail Book, 1905

Flash of Lightning

Franklin's Experiment, June 1752. Demonstrating the identity of Lightning and Electricity, from which he invented the Lightning Rod. Currier & Ives 1876
Franklin’s Experiment, June 1752. Demonstrating the identity of Lightning and Electricity, from which he invented the Lightning Rod. Currier & Ives 1876
  • Use tumbler
  • A wine glass of brandy
  • Half a tea-spoonful of gingerette
  • Tablespoonful of raspberry syrup
  • Shake up well with ice, and
  • Strain
American & Other Drinks by Leo Engel, 1878

Flip Flap

(Leo’s specialties)

  • Fill up a sherry wine glass two-thirds full of Maraschino, yellow Chartreuse, Kummel in equal proportions, and
  • One dash of Kirschenwasser
  • Having done this, add the white of an egg with
  • A little sugar
  • Shake or swizzle well in a tumbler and
  • Serve in a thin glass
American & Other Drinks by Leo Engel, 1878

Bartenders’ International League of America Punch

New York, New York. Irish-American bartender serving beer to British sailors in a Third Avenue bar in the "Forties"
New York, New York. Irish-American bartender serving beer to British sailors in a Third Avenue bar in the “Forties”
  • Use a large bowl
  • One-half pint raspberry syrup
  • One pint Curaçao
  • One pint Creme de Chocolate
  • Two bottles Hungarian wine
  • Two bottles Tokay wine
  • Six oranges, cut in slices
  • Six fresh eggs
  • One pint Cognac brandy
  • Stir up well with a punch ladle and
  • Surround the bowl with ice and
  • Serve in a wine glass
  • Grate a little nutmeg on top
The Hoffman House Bartenders Guide by Charles S. Mahoney, 1912


Sir Jos. Duveen, art authority. 1920s
Sir Jos. Duveen, art authority. 1920s
  • Use large bar-glass
  • Three-fourths full of shaved ice
  • Two tablespoonfuls of fine sugar dissolved in a little water
  • One pony of brandy
  • One pony of Curaçao
  • One-half pony of whiskey
  • One-half pony of Jamaica rum
  • Shake well
  • Dress with fruit and serve with straws
New Bartender’s Guide, I. & M. Ottenheimer, 1914


1890 Puck magazine cartoon. A woman labeled "South American Trade" is shown fainted in a chair. U.S. Secretary of State James G. Blaine tries to revive her with a bellows labeled "WIND". Puck tugs at his coattail and holds up a bottle labeled "FREE TRADE ELIXIR". Caption: SURE CURE
1890 Puck magazine cartoon. A woman labeled “South American Trade” is shown fainted in a chair. U.S. Secretary of State James G. Blaine tries to revive her with a bellows labeled “WIND”. Puck tugs at his coattail and holds up a bottle labeled “FREE TRADE ELIXIR”. Caption: SURE CURE
  • A sherry-glass one-third full maraschino
  • One-third noyau, and
  • One-third yellow chartreuse
Modern American Drinks by George J. Kappeler, 1900

Leaping Frog

The Fish Footman and the Frog Footman, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” (1865)
The Fish Footman and the Frog Footman, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” (1865)
  • 1 jigger Hungarian Apricot Brandy
  • Juice of 1/2 Lime
  • Fill glass with Lump ice
  • Shake well and strain into Stem glass
The Ideal Bartender by Tom Bullock, 1917