Valentine's postcard entitled 'Gasgow Cathedral And Necropolis', 1893
Valentine’s postcard entitled ‘Gasgow Cathedral And Necropolis’, 1893

(From a recipe in the possession of Dr. Shelton Mackenzie.)

  • Melt lump sugar in cold water, with the juice of a couple of lemons, passed through a fine hair-strainer
  • This is sherbet, and must be well mingled
  • Then add old Jamaica rum – one part of rum to five of sherbet
  • Cut a couple of limes in two, and
  • Run each section rapidly around the edge of the jug or bowl, gently squeezing in some of the delicate acid
  • This done, the punch is made
  • Imbibe
How to Mix Drinks or The Bon-Vivant’s Companion by Jerry Thomas (Formerly principal Bar-tender at the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, and the Planter’s House, St. Louis), 1862
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