
Military and religious life in the Middle Ages and at the period of the Renaissance, 1870.
Military and religious life in the Middle Ages and at the period of the Renaissance, 1870.
  • One teaspoonful sugar in large bar-glass
  • Two dashes lemon juice
  • The juice of 1/2 orange
  • Fill glass 3/4 full shaved ice
  • One dash seltzer water
  • Two dashes Jamaica rum
  • Fill up with Burgundy
  • Shake well
  • Ornament with fruit, and
  • Serve with straws
New Bartender’s Guide, I. & M. Ottenheimer, 1914

New York Raiser

Southern Manhattan seen from the Woolworth Building, 1913.
Southern Manhattan seen from the Woolworth Building, 1913.
  • Take a lump of sugar
  • Rub on a lemon so as to get a little of the oil on the sugar
  • Put on one dash of Angostura bitters
  • Serve in a high-ball glass, and
  • Fill with sparkling red Burgundy
Louis’ Mixed Drinks by Louis Muckensturm, 1906


This is part of an advertisement for Pittsburgh Locomotive and Car Works, 1894
This is part of an advertisement for Pittsburgh Locomotive and Car Works, 1894
  • Put two yolks of eggs into a goblet, with an
  • Ounce of honey
  • A little essence of cloves, and a
  • Liqueur glass of Curaçao
  • Add a pint of high Burgundy made hot
  • Whisk well together and serve hot in glasses
American & Other Drinks by Leo Engel, 1878